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Garment development stages. What to start and what to finish with?

Starting your fashion business and need to understand the process of garment production? Or just thinking to start or not? Here are the main stages you need to go through to introduce your product to the world.

1. Plan your project: your product, way of selling (retial, e-commecre etc), your budget and final goal

2. Collection design: provide your designs or ask us to create it for you

3. Material sourcing: provide yours or ask us to help you (fabrics, trims, accessories etc)

4. Patterns: we will produce patterns for each design from your collection

5. Sampling: we will produce a sample to each desing from your collection

6. Alterations: find out what changes should be done to reach a perfection

7. Production: almost a finish line!

As you can see there are only 7 main stages, doesn't mean they are easy, but! We are here to help you.

With Repulo's Tailors you can not only produce the product, but you should feel free to ask for help or advise!

Garment production

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