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$10000 for a dress that doesn't exist

Can you imagine a gift worth $10000 that doesn't actually exist, at least physically? Sounds crazy, isn't it?

We are talking about a digital dress that Richard Ma, the CEO of Quantstamp company based in San Francisco, gifted to his wife Mary Ren. A dress was created by The Fabricant fashion house and rendered on to the Richard's wife photo for social media usage. Later on, Ms Ren posted the photo on her personal account in WeChat and Facebook and opted not to post it on more public platforms.

Mary Ren in the digital dress (photo taken from BBC News official page)

"It's definitely very expensive, but it's also like an investment," says Mr Ma. "In 10 years time everybody will be 'wearing' digital fashion. It's a unique memento. It's a sign of the times." Mr Ma also explained that they don't usually buy expensive clothes and he appraises this purchase as a long-term investment.

There is another case that we find very interesting, this time about digital clothes collection. Carling fashion house (Scandinavian company) created and released a digital street wear collection and it was "sold out" within a month!

Carlings street wear digital collection (photo taken from BBC News official page)

"It sounds kinda stupid to say we "sold out", which is theoretically impossible when you work with a digital collection because you can create as many as you want. We had set a limit on the amount of products we were going to produce to make it a bit more special," explains Ronny Mikalsen, Carlings' brand director. Regarding to Mr.Mikalsen, Carlings has sold around 200-250 digital garment starting $11. Digital collection was created as a marketing campaign for their real collection, but with such potential they plan to produce another one closer to the end of the year.

Digital fashion is something that going to be huge, it's just a matter of time.


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